Экспериментальный репозиторий. Использовать deb пакеты на свой страх и риск, так как многие из них уже являются устаревшими и я их давно не обновляю.
Как добавить репозиторий.
Добавляем в файл /etc/apt/sources.list строку
deb http://riderr3.ucoz.ru stable multiverse
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sudo apt-get update
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Содержимое репозитория:
acc_1.54-2_i386.deb (Script compiler)
bsp_5.2_i386.deb (Node builder for Doom)
chocolate-doom_2.0.0.2467-1_i386.deb (Doom engine closely-compatible with vanilla doom)
deflopt_2.08_i386.deb (PNG optimization tool)
deutex_4.4.902-12_i386.deb (Composition tool for doom-style WAD files)
doomlegacy_1.44.0-alpha4-r999_i386.deb (Enhanced Doom port)
doomlegacy-data_1.44.0_all.deb (Data files needed by doomlegacy)
edge_1.35-2_i386.deb (Enhanced Doom Game Engine)
edge-wad_6.1.0_all.deb (Data for Edge, a Doom/Boom clone)
eternity-engine_3.40.32.2287-1_i386.deb (Doom source port)
eureka_1.00-3_i386.deb (map editor for DOOM)
ezquake_2.1.1-2_i386.deb (Modern QuakeWorld Client)
fceux_2.2.2_i386.deb (Cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator)
fmodapi_4.26.36-2_i386.deb (FMOD API library)
freedm_0.8-2_all.deb (multiplayer-oriented maps for Doom)
freedoom_0.8-2_all.deb (Free game files for the 3D game DOOM)
glbspx_2.24_i386.deb (Node builder for OpenGL-based DOOM game engines (gui version))
gzdoom_1.9.0.406_i386.deb (OpenGL version of ZDoom)
hexen2_1.5.6_i386.deb (Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion)
libglew1.5_1.5.7.is.1.5.2-1ubuntu4_i386.deb (The OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime environment)
libsfml-audio2.0_2.0_i386.deb (Simple and fast cross-platform multimedia library - Development Files)
libsfml-dev_2.0_i386.deb (Simple and fast cross-platform multimedia library - Development Files)
libsfml-graphics2.0_2.0-2_i386.deb (Simple and fast cross-platform multimedia library - Development Files)
libsfml-network2.0_2.0_i386.deb (Simple and fast cross-platform multimedia library - Development Files)
libsfml-system2.0_2.0_i386.deb (Simple and fast cross-platform multimedia library - Development Files)
libsfml-window2.0_2.0_i386.deb (Simple and fast cross-platform multimedia library - Development Files)
oblige_6.05-2_i386.deb (Random level generator for classic FPS games)
odalaunch_0.6.4.4458_i386.deb (Odamex launcher)
odamex_0.7.0_i386.deb (Odamex is a modified Doom source port)
odasrv_0.7.0_i386.deb (Odamex server)
osmose_0.9.96_i386.deb (Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator)
powder_117_i386.deb (Graphical dungeon crawling game)
prboom-plus_2.5.1.3-2_i386.deb (Open source port of the DOOM game engine)
qmus2mid_2.0_i386.deb (Quick MUS to MIDI converter)
qzdl_3.2.2.3_i386.deb (Doom wad launcher)
slade_3.1.0.1-r835-2_i386.deb (Slade Doom resource editor)
visplane-explorer_1.0.230-1_i386.deb (Tool to visualize VPO errors in DOOM maps)
wad2pdf_1.7_i386.deb (WAD to PDF converter)
wolf4sdl_1.7.256_i386.deb (SDL-Port of Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny)
wxwidgets_3.0.2-1_i386.deb (wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (full))
zdbsp_1.18.1_i386.deb (Node builder for ZDoom)
zdoom_2.8.0.292_i386.deb (Advanced Doom source port)
Теги/tags: linux , deb , i386 , debian , ubuntu , repository , ppa